Meet us at Cannes Lions to discuss ad fraud, ad spend optimization, and a new way of CTV Measurement

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The Digital Element team is headed to Cannes as we have been working on something new in stealth mode for the CTV space addressing some of the many different challenges in measurement. 

This is a great opportunity to meet our team to have a sneak peak of an exciting new capability for the industry. DE has long been the defacto standard in IP geo location data and trusted by many of the providers in the CTV, Adtech, and broadcast space. 

We have been talking and listening to you folks, and have been building a product that addresses the specific challenges of measurement such as:

  • Standardisation across platforms and mediums 
  • Privacy and the changing landscape
  • Cookieless solutions that still enables context targeting 
  • Fraud prevention as IPs are validated at source

If you would like to book a meeting with the team to learn more about this exciting technology, please complete the form. We would love to talk with you too! 

17-21 June / Palais Des Festivals, Cannes, France

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